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DAIHAN® Digital Multi-point Magnetic Stirrer “MS-MP”, 4 & 8-Points, Max. 500㎖ per point, 80~1,200 rpmWith Permanently Brushless Motor(BLDC), digital feedback control, Digital LCD, Synchronous Operation, with Certi. & Traceability4 & 8-멀티포인트 디지털 자력교반기, 디지털 DAIHAN® Digital Multi-point Magnetic Stirrer “MS-MP”, 4 & 8-Points, Max. 500㎖ per point, 80~1,200 rpmWith Permanently Brushless Motor(BLDC), digital feedback control, Digital LCD, Synchronous Operation, with Certi. & Traceability4 & 8-멀티포인트 디지털 자력교반기, 디지털