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DAIHAN Precise Shaking Incubator “IS-10”, top door-type, orbital motion, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃With Universal Platform, Fuzzy control, with or without illuminators & recorder, 30~250 rpm, with Certi. & Traceability진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 탑 도어 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, Universal DAIHAN Precise Shaking Incubator “IS-10”, top door-type, orbital motion, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃With Universal Platform, Fuzzy control, with or without illuminators & recorder, 30~250 rpm, with Certi. & Traceability진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 탑 도어 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, Universal DAIHAN Precise Shaking Incubator “IS-10”, top door-type, orbital motion, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃With Universal Platform, Fuzzy control, with or without illuminators & recorder, 30~250 rpm, with Certi. & Traceability진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 탑 도어 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, Universal DAIHAN Precise Shaking Incubator “IS-10”, top door-type, orbital motion, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃With Universal Platform, Fuzzy control, with or without illuminators & recorder, 30~250 rpm, with Certi. & Traceability진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 탑 도어 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, Universal DAIHAN Precise Shaking Incubator “IS-10”, top door-type, orbital motion, up to 60℃, ±0.2℃With Universal Platform, Fuzzy control, with or without illuminators & recorder, 30~250 rpm, with Certi. & Traceability진탕 배양기/인큐베이터, 탑 도어 타입, 고정밀 디지털 퍼지 제어, Universal