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Simport® Anti-Static Weighing Dish, PS, with Smooth Surface, Disposable, 9~355㎖Suitable for Clean Room, -10℃+70/80℃, PS 일회용 플라스틱 평량디쉬, 정전기방지용 Simport® Anti-Static Weighing Dish, PS, with Smooth Surface, Disposable, 9~355㎖Suitable for Clean Room, -10℃+70/80℃, PS 일회용 플라스틱 평량디쉬, 정전기방지용 Simport® Anti-Static Weighing Dish, PS, with Smooth Surface, Disposable, 9~355㎖Suitable for Clean Room, -10℃+70/80℃, PS 일회용 플라스틱 평량디쉬, 정전기방지용